Please find attached the September issue of the Joined Up Care Derbyshire Newsletter.
September 2022 JUCD Newsletter
Please do find time to grab a drink and take a little time to read through all the fantastic work that is happening within our system.
We launch our exciting new Peer Leadership Programme today for anyone interested in learning more about personalised care and how people can benefit for it. Those with lived experience of using health and care services, who work their way through the programme will have the opportunity to become Peer Leaders, and work collaboratively with the Integrated Care System (ICS) to shape and influence how health and care is delivered. For more information see page 5.
We also launch our new 'Guide to Patient and Public Involvement in our ICS' today. Read more on page 6. Anyone involved in Service Change Programmes who would like to know more about the training that will be on offer, please get in touch.
Clinical and Professional Leaders will be interested in the event coming up in October on page 7.
Please also see the all-age Mental Health, Neurodiversity and Learning Disability Alliance event on page 12, aimed at supporting joint working that takes place this month.