We need your help! Health services, social care, the Borough Council and voluntary & community sector partners in Erewash are working together to help to improve the physical and mental health & wellbeing of adults living in Erewash and we need you to complete the attached survey questionnaire.
The survey asks some key questions about people's physical and mental health & wellbeing.
The survey shouldn't take very long to complete, and everything is anonymous and confidential. It can either be completed online by clicking on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GXNFT3J or on paper. If you need paper copies, then please contact Kyle Robinson-Payne at Erewash Voluntary Action CVS: kyle@erewashcvs.org.uk. The deadline for completed questionnaires is by 5pm on Friday 25th November 2022.
Once all the surveys have been returned, we will be working together with Erewash people and partners to set our local priorities that we will work on together. All survey findings will be published on the Erewash Voluntary Action CVS 'News' website page: https://www.erewashvoluntaryaction.org.uk/news.
As a thank you for people taking part in the survey, we will be giving everyone who completes the questionnaire the chance to win a £10 voucher. If people want to be in the draw for a prize, then they will need to leave their email address at the end of the survey. And they can also leave their name if they want to be involved in the work in the future.