An All-ages Early Intervention and Prevention service for people with an Eating Disorder:

In Derby and Derbyshire, we are in the process of re-procuring our early intervention and prevention offer for children, young people and adults with an eating disorder. We are really keen to hear people's thoughts and views to help build upon what we already have and ensure that the thoughts and views of our local population help to shape the future provision.


We have various routes to gather views and thoughts: 


For any questions or queries, please contact Hannah using the above contact details.



Derbyshire Dialogue:


  1. Derbyshire Dialogue Tuesday August 9th 2022 at 2.00pm - Your Health and Social Care System - the launch of the Integrated Care Board


As we move beyond the Integrated Care System (ICS) transition date of 1 July we know how important it is we keep you informed of progress in the early days of the new arrangements and ways of working for our ICS.  

This Derbyshire Dialogue is to update you on progress and to listen to your thoughts and experiences in the first month of the new system and to respond to questions you may have. 


Your speakers will be

  • Dr Chris Clayton, Chief Executive
  • John MacDonald, Chair of the ICB.


Register here for the Derbyshire Dialogue on 9th August 2022


  1. Derbyshire Dialogue Thursday 25th August 2022 at 2.00pm - Derbyshire Post (Long) Covid Management Service.


Derbyshire Dialogue will be focused on the Derbyshire Post (Long) Covid Management Service.

The Derbyshire system responded to the National ask to set up a service to assess patients who were suffering with Post (Long) Covid at pace at the end of 2020. The service has been running for 18months and has seen many patients.


Last summer, NHSE further requested that the service set up a rehabilitation element, to offer personalised rehabilitation to those who were suffering with Post (Long) Covid. A pathway was developed, and the service started receiving patients in April 2022.

The service is keen to continuously develop and evolve as more evidence about Post (Long) Covid is discovered and we know more about the types of symptoms patients are experiencing. We are keen to engage with the people of Derbyshire to discover what they know about Post (Long) Covid, what they know about our service, how to access it and what they think could be developed and improved as it evolves.

The speakers will be:

  • Dr Fauzia Begum – Medical Lead for the Service
  • Chloe Spooner – Case Manager within the dedicated North Rehabilitation Hub
  • Kim Campbell – Clinical Psychologist within the assessment service


Register here for the Derbyshire Dialogue on 25th August 2022



Patient and Public Involvement Opportunities:

Patient and public involvement is an essential part of the work of Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD). We want to build strong and supportive relationships with patients, members of the public, and our communities. As part of this, we have developed a new role called Patient and Public Partners.

We are currently looking to recruit Patient and Public Partners to the following areas:

  • The Joint and Community Commissioning team:

We are looking to recruit Patient and Public Partners to help inform our work, we think it is important to get different perspectives and insights on the work that we do, particularly from members of the public who have lived experience. Our team covers everything from social prescribing to end-of-life care provision. 

  • Post (Long) Covid Operational Delivery Group and Workstream:

We are looking to recruit two Patient and Public Partners to attend a monthly Operational Delivery Group and to be part of a collaborative approach to developing and reviewing the Derbyshire Post (Long) Management Service. The work of the Operational Delivery Group is to improve the patient's journey and experience throughout the service including, working collectively to improve end-to-end health care pathways, ensuring equity of access and service delivery across Derbyshire, and improving patient outcomes.


  • Patient Safety Partner:

The Patient Safety Partner (PSP) is a new and evolving volunteer role developed by NHS England to help improve patient safety across health care in the UK. Here at Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care System (DDICS), we are excited to welcome a team of PSPs to work alongside our staff, patients, and families to influence and improve safety across our Integrated Care System.


For more information about the roles, and how to apply please see the documents attached.

Involvement Opportunity with The Joint and Community Commissioning team.pdf (147 KB)

Involvement Opportunity with the Post (Long) Covid Operational Delivery Group and Workstream.pdf (103 KB)

The Patient Safety Partner.docx (75 KB)

Kind regards,


Karen Lloyd

Head of Engagement

NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board / Joined Up Care Derbyshire



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