Sing Viva, a choir specifically planned for and targeted towards carers, initially started in Derby in 2017 and then from 2019 in Chesterfield.  The choirs met monthly, and during the COVID-19 lockdown, it became something of a lifeline for carers, who found themselves isolated and without many of the things that had previously provided them with support.

 “Choir has been pretty much the only social activity I have done for the past year. It has been great to retain some kind of a structure and to still have something to 'turn up' to each has helped to keep me going and has been a great escape at times.” Sing Viva carer

Due to the clear importance of the choir in the lives of the carers, it was decided to run weekly online sessions for the choir. This was met with warmth by the carers involved in the choir, many of whom shared that Sing Viva gave them the chance to connect with friends at a time where that was otherwise difficult.

 “During a scary and unpredictable time, it has been so lovely and comforting to know that you will have choir to lift your spirits on a Tuesday evening. I’ve enjoyed using zoom and the different games, shared screens, quizzes etc we have had lots of fun doing. As a carer in lockdown which was quite isolating, it was so nice to see familiar people and feel connected again. After sadly losing my Nana in September, the sessions have been therapeutic and have helped me cope with my grief.” Sing Viva carer

Following the end of strict restrictions, the choir slowly returned to in-person sessions, but it was decided to retain the weekly sessions rather than return to the monthly format.

 “I really hope Sing Viva can continue and when restrictions are lifted, it would be amazing to attend a rehearsal or two in person...although if it were to be the usual once a month in person, that would be sad as I think everyone has benefitted so much from it being a weekly get together over lockdown.” Sing Viva Carer who joined the choir during lockdown

The choir now runs in a hybrid format.  There are in-person sessions once a month in Derby, which are delivered live for those that can attend as well as being shared on zoom for those that are unable to attend in person.  All other weeks are run as online sessions.

Carers from all over Derbyshire can join the online sessions, or join the in person sessions in Derby, if that’s possible for them.

Here are some examples of their work:

United in Song - – a song they wrote themselves

Lean On Me -

Interviews with members - and

Click below for a report of their activies and successess 

Sing Viva Report (2022 - 2023).jpg (439 KB)

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