Derbyshire Carers’ Voice

Do you want to share your experiences as a carer? Or want to have a voice in the prioritising, planning and design of support for carers?

Whether you want to share your general experiences as a carer, or have concerns about a particular issue, there are a number of ways to get involved, from online surveys, to in person panels, to one-on-one interviews.

We want to hear from you!

So please join our county-wide coproduction Carers’ Voice group by contacting, or ringing 07816 283550.

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Young Adult Carers’: ‘What comes next?’

Are you a carer aged between 16 and 18? What are your plans for after you finish school or formal education?

Staffordshire University, in partnership with the Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service, want to hear about your plans for ‘What comes next?’ in your life. Are you considering an apprenticeship, university, paid employment, or something completely different?

For more information, and to complete the questionnaire, please use the following link:

You will be eligible for a £10 Amazon voucher to thank you for taking part.

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