Adult Social Care, together with Disability Direct, are holding a co-production session for the new Direct Payments PA Register they are developing on 30th July 11-1pm at County Hall, Matlock.

 They are really keen to get more direct payment recipients with experience of the current register to attend and help them shape up the new one.

 Refreshments will be provided on the day.

Please contact Phil Wall to book a place:

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The Communities Driving Change workstream is part of the Integrated Care Board and Joined Up Care Derbyshire strategy work to achieve the national end-of-life ambitions. As part of this it is vital to hear peoples lived experiences of palliative and end-of-life care and bereavement support to understand what is important for patients and their families. This will be used to drive change and improvement across Derby City and Derbyshire.

We recognise you are an important contact with patients and families impacted by life limiting illness, end-of-life care, and/or bereavement therefore, we know people will often share their stories and experiences with you; so, we would like to ask that if you are told of positive or negative experiences, we would be grateful to hear these.

People can contact Julie or Sue themselves, scan the QR code to give feedback online or you can ask if they would be happy for you to pass their story on either anonymously or with their contact details. We have attached a feedback template and a slip with the QR code for you to use.


Contacts: Julie Mehigan, Compassionate Communities & Engagement Lead, Treetops Hospice – or Sue Higginson, Patient experience Manager, Derby & Derbyshire ICB –


People’s stories and experiences can make a real difference for others.

Experiences may include topics such as care or support, communication, medication, equipment, cultural factors, access; there is no restriction on what we want to hear about.

Two recent shared experiences that have led to action are:

Muslim community members unable to get timely certification of death leading to a delayed funeral for their loved one - this shared experience has prompted closer work with the Muslim community and GPs to find ways to overcome this. A small working group has been set up, including members of the BME Forum and representatives from Joined Up Care Derbyshire, who will work together in taking forward an action plan that addresses wider issues and cultural sensitivities around death and dying.

Difficulties and distress caused to a family that could not find a pharmacy with stock of end-of-life medication for their loved one over a bank holiday has led to the End-of-Life Operational group and pharmacy leads undertaking fact finding and review of availability of these medications across Derbyshire and the implementation of several actions to avoid this happening to other families.

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Please contact if you are running a consultation or coproduction project for carers that you would like to share.

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