How does the Emergency Planning Service Work?

This service supports carers with an Emergency Plan that is activated when the carer is not able to continue providing care because of an emergency.

The Emergency Plan provides an extra level of support to ensure that the cared for will receive support during a crisis situation such as -

• Emergency admission to hospital

• A family emergency

• A real risk to the carer’s employment

• Short notice family crisis

• An emergency which can place the cared for at risk due to the absence of the carer

This plan also provides peace of mind for the carer knowing that the person that they care for will be provided with support in an emergency situation.

Carers are provided with a unique identification number and card which is linked to the Carer’s specific Emergency Plan.

This card and unique identification number alerts emergency services that you are a carer and that someone relies on you for support. The card should be kept in a safe place, such as a wallet or purse.

In the event of an emergency nominated contacts will be notified or arrangements for alternative short term support would be put in place, in accordance with the contingency plan. You should make sure you have informed the nominated contacts and any other key family or friends who are involved with the contingency plan.

Please see below for details of how to apply for an Emergency Card.

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Derbyshire County

We support carers in the county to complete a Carer’s Contingency Plan and obtain a Carer’s Emergency Card, regardless of the amount of support you might provide to someone. In an emergency people will know that you are a carer and that someone relies on you.

We will record in your contingency plan the support you provide, nominate two emergency contacts and what you would like to happen in an emergency. Derbyshire County Council will then be able to arrange alternative support for the cared for person quickly if required.

Once your information is submitted to Derbyshire County Council, who administrate the service, the details will be recorded in your social care record and reviewed on an annual basis by Derbyshire County Council.

You should make sure you have informed the nominated contacts and any other key family or friends who are involved with the contingency plan.

You can complete this form on your own behalf via the DCC website


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